Message from the Programme Director

Prof. LAU, Wing Chung, Patrick
Academy of Wellness and Human Development
The Master of Public Administraton Programme (MPA) is an inter-disciplinary program and targets to produce students with a global vision, innovatve ideas, and commitment to serve society. The Programme provides a local, natonal and global understanding of public administraton by linking up different levels of learning opportunites in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas government and Non-governmental organizaton (“NGOs”).
With this unique combinaton of learning opportunites, our students will be equipped to prepare the rapid and significant challenges posed by the 21st century world. As we witness the technological innovatons that have been strongly influencing our daily lives in the past decades in Hong Kong and the world, public administraton and policy changes become normal and more frequent.
Under these unprecedented changes and challenges among our societes and lives, a more “glocal” vision is a must for our students to face the new world with excitement, commitment and curiosity. The MPA Programme offered by Hong Kong Baptst University aims to provide these unique learning experiences to our students to explore the new world and better prepare for these challenges posed by different public administraton systems.
The Programme website will provide you more informaton.